Well, this is were I am going to put important news about upcoming comics and stuff. Right now this comicstrip is just getting off the ground, and I don't think it will get very far. But for now...


April 25. So a major Virus hit my computer and I lost all of my files for my comic. So, there will not be a new comic for a long time. I know the end was near, but hey, maybe when I start again, it might be for longer... who know. I will update in the future... until then, keep checking back.

January 20th. I won't have internet for the last week in January, so the next comic will be February 5th. but stay tuned, comic 50 is coming, and what's that? New character? Awesome

December 10th. I am going home for Christmas Vacation, so I won't have any new comics until I get back to college. The main reason for this, I don't have internet at home, pretty good excuse, huh? Plus, I am completely out of ideas for strips, so hopefully some funny things happen over break. The next strip will probably be January 10th 2004. Sorry about the wait.

October 5th. Taxiness is added to BuzzComix. Vote for it, and lets see if it can hit the top 100.

August 3rd. Taxiness Forum is up, and you can post your feed back. Click on this banner to get there.

July 31st. A link exchange happened. Whoooo. Check out BangsBoy's webcomic, and No, it is not porn. He linked to mine, and I linked to his, thats how easy it is. Check out the links page for more.

On August 20th, I did a little retarded guest comic if you will of Ctrl-Alt-Del. If you know the comic, then the characters will look familiar. Oh yeah, if I ever do a guest strip, these will be also be displayed on my site, but may not be based off of true events. Anyway, Aug. 20th is that comic.

On August 25th, Taxiness will have a slightly different look. Not too big, but it is for the better. I don't want to give it away, because I kind of of a comic describing it. But I will tell you this, there is a constant frame, so it wont look like three images laying next to each other. Know what I'm saying? If not, you will Aug 25th.

August 28th, Monkey Business linked to my comic. It is very exciting, because the amount of hits today are more than all the hits added together... not counting today in that, otherwise it would be a recursive nightmare. I just want to thank him, and I know he says he apologizes in advance, but I know he cares enough to even link us. Oh yeah, he also linked my brother's comic. Check out both comics, they are now featured on my links page.

Coming the last full week of September, there will be a guest comic exchange. Fassapanious and Taxiness are going to do guest comics for each other, and my site might actually have a funny comic. Anyway, to see Fassapanious webcomics now, check out my link page for the link.

Coming in October, new characters are going to be added. No offence, but I was looking for new comic Ideas, and the basic 6 didn't cut it. So here is a sneak peak at 4 more characters, bringing the total to 10.

From Left to Right, it is Zak, Matt, Jennifer, and Todd.

Zak is another neighbor of mine, he lives next to Mike and Me. Matt is a friend of Scott's who is really funny in his own sort of way. Jennifer is Matt's girlfriend, don't really know what else to say about her, but she is another person's girlfriend, bring the count of females in the cominc to 2. And Todd... He is just this retarded guy I know. Not technically retarded, but just not smart. He is also kid of scary looking.